All images on this site are copyright Tim Hunt & Karen Massey 1995-2007.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


The year I made this design we were very busy. We were doing festivals and craftshows every weekend, most of them a full day drive in both directions and then dyeing and printing shirts like mad during the week. Since we started our business we kissed our summers goodbye because that is when we really had to work our tails off to compensate for the slower times of the year. My favorite trips were along the northern routes and everytime we drove by a body of water I imagined myself slipping into a canoe and paddling off into the sunset. The figure is raising the paddle in the air as if to say "hurray! I'm here. This is where I want to be". Since making this design I have learned from avid canoests that this position, with the arms pumping up and down means "Stop. Possible danger ahead. Wait for the all clear signal." In my t-shirt designs I have tried to simplify the human form as much as possible (this figure doesn't even have a neck!). I always joke about the primitive style really working for me, but the truth is, the simple silhouetted figures allow the viewer to put themselves into the picture, whether young or old, male or female, at least this is what I hope to achieve.

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